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A Bookish Tag

Hey, ya all! I got tagged twice for this tag. So, I'm doing then together.


~Thank the person who nominated you. (Thank you, Liberty and Lilly!)

~Tag your post with #awsomebloggeraward.

~Answer the questions you were asked.

~Nominate at least 5 bloggers.

~Give them 10 questions to answer!

Liberty's questions:

1. What one book did you read and dislike? Why?
Hm. I don't often read a book and don't like it! I can't think of any right now, but if a book has any thing against God, or any inappropriate scenes I won't like it!

2. What book made you feel as though you were there?
Second Watch (It made me cry)

3. If you could be any character in any book, what book would it be and who?
I like to read books about other people, but I don't think I would want to be any of them. I'm glad just being me!

4. What style of books do you prefer?
  What style? Adventure. Or did you mean the style the book is written in? Then, I don't really care.

5. Name two books that you looked at the cover and got interested.
Heroes Don't Run By Harry Mazer and The Black Arrow By Robert Louis Stevenson

6. What book did you start to read just because you looked at the first page?
I do that a lot but one book was The Little Riders by Margeretha Shemin

7. If you could write a story about your life, what would you call it?
That's a hard one. Maybe, God Made Me, or simply The Biography of Kylie Nancy.

8. Are you a book worm? Why?
YES! I get called that a lot. I just enjoy books. The adventures you can have through a book! Just opening a book and smelling the fresh ink smell, or the musty smell of an old book. The feel of the paper and the hundreds of words spread over the pages.

9. How many books do you read in a month?
About ten? More or less.

10. Do you even read at all?
Oh, yes! A lot!

Lilly's questions:

1. Favorite book of the Bible. (Those are books, right?)
Psalms and Proverbs. But I love them all!

2. Your favorite read-outloud.
Any book with old English words! Like The Black Arrow! I love reading them out loud!
"Nay, good boy, I have no arms, nor skill to use them if I had," replied the other, stepping fourth upon the pathway.
 "Why call me 'boy'? cried Dick. "Y' are not, I trow, the elder of us twain."
  Quote from The Black Arrow.
and stuff like that! *laugh* I just love it!

3. The longest book series you have read.
Hmm. The Chronicles of Narnia? I'm not sure.

4. The longest book you have read.
Sherlock Holmes!

5. A book author you have met.
None. Except for some of my cousins. Their books aren't published though.

6. Mysteries or Adventures?

7. A book where one of the characters had your name.
Don't know of any!

8. A book that made you cry.
Second Watch

9. One book that you had to read for school.
I don't think I've ever had to read a book just for school. But reading is school, Right?

10. An author you want to meet.
I'd like to meet John from the Bible who wrote "Revelations", but he's dead. So, Janette Oke?

I nominate:
Lexah Nelson
Emily S
Izzy West
 Will three do?

 My questions are:
 Any ten of the ones I answered.

Well, there you have it! Hope you enjoyed!


  1. Thanks for doing this, Kylie! Love your answers!☺

  2. I can tell you like to read a lot! It shows. *grins*

    I wouldn't have known that you like books with old English in them! They can be fun, though sometimes difficult to understand. Sometimes..

    Thanks for tagging me! I better get to it then! *wink*

    1. *laugh* I know.
      Yes, they are sometime difficult to understand.
      Your welcome! You better!


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