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July 2019

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My shirt says "My Brother Graduated from  the USMC" and he did! Hurrah!
Hey! It's me. I notices that I haven't been putting vary many post about my life on here. I thought I would share this month. A pretty busy month! 
                 It started with my favorite holiday! Independence Day! To bad it comes only once a year!
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                                                                       Cherry picking!

                                            I road with Cody to visit some cousins! It was so fun!
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                                                                     We're there!

                                                    Now we're on the way home.

                                                Home again. Did my hair. What do you think?

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                            The next weekend it's back to see my cousins again for nine days.

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                                                         Levi!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍
                                              A deer at Grandpa and Nana's place
                                                       God loves me!
                                                                  Root beer float.

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                                           My Sunday outfit.  This picture wasn't posed.

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                                             Sleep over with best friends and cousins.

                                                           Later we went for a short walk.
    Grandparents brought us to the beach. While our parents went to my brother L's graduation from MCRD!


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                                                 Ready for my cousin's wedding!

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              My little sister's face when she saw Lando for the first time after his graduation! She wouldn't say "hi", just grinned. *laugh*

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                        Both my older brothers, Lando and Cody,  stood in the wedding.

                                                           The Bride and Groom!

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                                Went to see some big trees with Liberty and our families.

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              Again, this picture wasn't completely posed. The trees were really hard to climb.

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      Got some help! *laugh* I still didn't get very high! Later, I ended up running into a bees' nest and getting stung three times in the legs. It could have been worse.
    I took over three hundred pictures this month, but couldn't share them all! I just shared the highlights. Hope you enjoyed.
                                           ~ Kylie Nancy


  1. It was such a busy month!! You had a lot going on! It was really nice to see your brother. (But I'm sure it was much nicer for you!)

    I like that picture of the piece of firewood. *Smile*

    You got a cute picture of the bride and groom! <3 It was such a cute wedding!!

  2. I LOVED this post!! *grins*
    It was super fun having you and your family here. It was REALLY nice to see Lando too. *smiles*
    I had a lot of fun looking at all the big trees. That is, until you got stung. *cheesy grin*
    Hope you have a great August! <3

    1. Oh, also that picture of me, you, and Damara, is TERRIBLE!! *laughs* Why did you put that one on? *hides face*

    2. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
      It hurt a lot!!!
      I hope you do too!
      I'm sorry if you think it's so bad! I put it on because it was funny and shows how much fun we were having! The other ones were worse. The one of us smiling you have your eyes closed. Didn't mean to embarrass you.

    3. *laughs* It's ok, I was just being funny. Even though I still don't like it. *laughs*

  3. I love the sleepover picture!!! You must be proud of your brother.☺☺☺ In the last picture, it looks like you are dressed for the fall season and Liberty looks like it is the summer season.☺ Hope to see some more photos again.☺

    1. *laugh* We had a blast!
      I am very proud!
      Yea, I guess it does. It was a little hot for what I was wearing, though.
      I'll try to get around to it!


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