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My Special Parents

I've made a post about My Special Brothers, and a post about My Special Sisters and Now I want to do a post on my Very Special Parents!
Dad, Daddy, Papa, Father: 

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Are we the only kids that call our dad by all these names? Each one seems to have a different purpose and time of use. Dad for most the time, Daddy when you are feeling very blessed to have him to care for you, Papa usually when talking to the younger kids, but also when speaking to him at times, and Father as a respectful way to speak to him or refer to him. We don't always use them like that, but it's that way most of the time. For me anyway.
My Father can be quiet, but has a huge sense of humor! We have all these little things we do when we walk by each other and I love his hugs!! I mean who doesn't like hugs from their great Dad!! I know he loves me and cares for me and he tries to do what's best for me. I can't imagine life without him! I pray he remains in it for many years to come!

Mom, Mommy, Mother, Mother Dear: 

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And, yes, we use all those names for her too. This wonderful woman! She willingly stays at home and cares for us crazy kids! Man, we must really try her patience. She knows so much and teaches me daily. I see more and more how much I really don't know. I love to see her cuddling one of the kids, reading to them, folding clothes, and going about the house hold chores. She always sees something I missed, and I have to consistently remind myself to not forget it the next time. I can never keep up with her and I'm always thinking, "How does she do it?" 

As I'm writing this I'm wondering how I can ever say what my parents are to me? How can I ever express  the love and respect I feel for them? I think back to the times I've disrespected and hurt them and see how so many times I've been wrong and they right. It's like they know me better then I do at times!
 There is so much more I could say about my parents but I'll keep it short and sweet! My parents are the best parents I could ever have and I thank God for them! I pray God will help me to thank him and never forget, they know so much more than I. I try my best to love and serve them!
I love you Father and Mother! I'm so very blessed to have you!

These five principles could make a tremendous difference in the health and happiness of your family.
~Kylie Nancy


  1. Awe, this post is just the sweetest, cuz! I loved it!
    Miss you! I can't wait to see you!! *wink wink*

    1. *smiles*
      I miss you too. and can't wait to see you also!!! *winkwink*

  2. Yes, I agree with Liberty - a very sweet post!

    You should come visit soon!!

    1. *flush* I just wrote the truth! *wink*
      Yes, I should!

  3. Sweet post. :-)


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