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Book Review // The Bucks of Goober Holler

He sprang it on Joe and Me about three o'clock Friday morning. I mean, not even the birds were awake yet!
"I've got it! Wake up, guys!" Jake was hollering and jumping up and down on the bed, waving some papers around. The lights were on and I could see he had a wild grin on his face and a gleam in his black eyes. Joe woke up scared and tried to crawl under the covers. Jake ripped them off him and began shouting again, and we all fell off the bed.
"Cut it out, Jake!" I shouted. "Have you gone crazy?"
The Bucks of Goober Holler
By Gilbert Morris
Bucks of Goober
I give this book five stars
 Yep, my first five star review! It's more of a kid book but I liked/like it a lot! It's by Gilbert Morris, the Author of the "House of Winslow" series. Which I also enjoy. Perhaps I'll do a review on my favorite one sometime. Oh, and it's only a coincidence that they are called Bucks in this book. I didn't realize that they had the same name as in my book "The Buck Brothers," until later.
Plot: (Off back of book) "It's not going to be easy. Barney, Joe, and Jake Buck have to convince the folks of Goober Holler that they're just a normal family. Of course, it doesn't help that the three of them just appeared out of nowhere to claim an old family shack. Or that the folks keep stopping by to meet their parents-whom are never at home. or that Jake keeps drawing attention with his crazy schemes, like the Great Catapult Caper and the Great Chicken Beak Bet! And the only person more interested in Jake's than Jake is the sheriff... Nope, it wont be easy. But the Bucks will do whatever they have to- no mater how crazy people think they are- because they know there's more at stake then they can afford to loose."
Their parents are dead, and they are trying to keep the family together...
 What I liked about the book:
 So, like I said, I love this book! It's great for laughs and is just plain good!! It's been a favorite of mine and my siblings for a long time. Each telling the younger they should read it. This book may seem like it's just for good laughs but it also has good biblical morals to it. It takes place in the Ozarks and there is coon hunting like in "Where the Red Fern Grows." (Which, if you haven't read or watched the movie yet you should!! Trust me! Be warned though, You'll cry.)
Anyway, back to "The Buck of Goober Holler". You like Barney. Like obviously! He's the one telling the story and the oldest brother, so...  You like Jake even though he's a bit of a hot head and maybe a little crazy. And Joe's, well, the cute little brother!
So, yeah. It's not a very deep book, but if your looking for a good read for yourself or you and your kids, that will make you laugh, it's just right for you!
 What I didn't like about the book:
Barney likes a girl and she likes him, if that bothers you. But it doesn't go father then that, as I remember. There is a swear word or two (which we blacked out in our book) by a former Army man whom was the brothers' father's friend. Like I say it's kind of meant for younger readers, so there's that but I still enjoy it...
A few quotes: 
- "Clyde, they're gonna split us up. Judge Poindexter said so! You gotta help us!"
"But couldn't Miss Jean-"
"No. She can't do anything except what the judge says. But we got a plan, Clyde. Only it won't work without you. If you'll help us, we can stay together!"
"Shoot, Barney," Clyde said, leaning back in a kitchen chair.

- "All right, hold still," Uncle Dave said. Then he gave a jerk, which nearly knocked me off the table. "Be still there," he said with a grin. "Feller has fun, he's gotta be willing to pay for it."
"Fun?!" I shouted. "I don't see any fun-"
"You just quiet down," he said, and his eyes got a little hard. "Them splinters gotta come out--all of 'em. You wanna be a man about it or not?"
Put that way, what could I do? I lay down on the table and clamped my lips together. I'd show him Jake wasn't the only one in the family with Indian in him!
 Uncle Dave was as careful as he could be, but I was ready to quit long before he was. finally he got all the big ones and said, "My eyes ain't no good for this close work. One of you boys wanna get the little ones?"
"Don't let those monsters near me," I said. "I'll do it!"
"You can't," he said. "You can't reach some of 'em. Here, Debra, you get these little ones."
She took the pliers and began working on the small ones. I was mortified!
  Lol! I love that part!!! *laughing*
So, are you looking forward to more of these? Or should I stop posting them?
~ Kylie Nancy


  1. Sounds interesting! Maybe you'll have to borrow it to us one of these days since the library is still closed..

  2. Sounds pretty interesting!

  3. Sounds interesting! I just nominated you for a tag on my blog :)


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