Day Twenty-four: A Throwback Photo: I was unsure what to do here because I do Memory a Month but, Okay, I guess you'll get two this month! This picture is from when I was nine, I think. I was always having some kind of big scheme or another. This picture was going to be the cover of a movie Mikayla and I were going to make about the Titanic. Hmm...I guess the Titanic has always enthralled me! I started writing a book about the Titanic, never finished it, but I was just thinking about it. I should go find and read it. But, back to the Throwback, I remember very well the feelings of excitement and fear I had, because I had such a vivid imagination I felt every emotion of what I was playing. I still have a vivid imagination, and it helps me to write in my books, but back then, my goodness, I wouldn't be playing something, I was there, I was the something. Mikayla will talk about what someone else was doing when we played this or that, but I only remember playing that thing. Most ...