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The 30 Day Challenge // Day Twenty-four

 Day Twenty-four: A Throwback Photo:

I was unsure what to do here because I do Memory a Month but, Okay, I guess you'll get two this month!
This picture is from when I was nine, I think. I was always having some kind of big scheme or another. This picture was going to be the cover of a movie Mikayla and I were going to make about the Titanic. Hmm...I guess the Titanic has always enthralled me! I started writing a book about the Titanic, never finished it, but I was just thinking about it. I should go find and read it.
But, back to the Throwback, I remember very well the feelings of excitement and fear I had, because I had such a vivid imagination I felt every emotion of what I was playing. I still have a vivid imagination, and it helps me to write in my books, but back then, my goodness, I wouldn't be playing something, I was there, I was the something.
Mikayla will talk about what someone else was doing when we played this or that, but I only remember playing that thing. Most of the time I don't remember where I played it, because in my mind we were somewhere else.
Well, end of story, we didn't make the movie. That's what happened to most my schemes. Nothing much ever came of them.
~Kylie Nancy


  1. That's a cute photo! You two are so little. <3

    I've been intrigued by the Titanic as well! I also thought I was going to write a book about it, but didn't get very far. Haha!

    1. Yes, we are so little!
      Yeah, Damara said something about that!

  2. I've always been fascinated by the story of the Titanic. If you enjoy reading historical fiction, the book Voyage on the Great Titanic: The Diary of Margaret Ann Brady (it's in the Dear America series) is really good.
    And I totally relate to getting so into "playing pretend" when you were younger that it felt real :D

    1. Hmm... I might have read it before. I'll have to check.

  3. Hi nice to meet you. I just started a blog


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