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Showing posts from July, 2021

Book Review // Strength in Measure *spoiler alert*

 Book Review // Strength in Measure Strength in Measure By Lakaysha Elizabeth "From inside the door, he heard soft weeping, and his heart seemed to break into peaces at his cousin's grief. He tried to call over her tears, 'I'd give anything. Anything to bring Dick back. I'd ask God to take me instead if I thought it would do any good.'" Strength in Measure I give this book FIVE stars I'm doing this review by the consistent request of my friend, along with the sheer fun of the idea. So, this review may be a little different then all my other reviews, being that I'm going to go into great depth of the story. I will warn you of an spoilers. But, be warned right now, there may be A LOT. *grins* I can't help it, the story is to good not to share and so full of twists and turns not to let out some secret. Anyway, let's being. What the story is about: The story is about a family, the Hayes, but is mostly focused on the eldest daughter, Katie, and...

To Dear Abi

 I didn't know I'd wake one morning to be told my cousin was gone., flown away to rest in Jesus arms. But it happened. My mom knew she needed to be there with her sister so we pack that morn and drove seven + hours to be by their side. I didn't know Abigail well, but she was always there. Part of our family. Part of the love and joy. I didn't know the funeral would be so hard... it was hard. Very hard. I looked down at her still face and tears slid unstoppable down my face. She was gone.  My brother hugged asking softly if I was okay. But I couldn't answer. I cried. His fiancee, dear Shayne, flew down to be there with us and sat by my side a quiet support. Then we sung "Jesus Loves Me." I sung the first three words and broke down. Sobbing. Because as the words left my mouth an image of Abi came before my eyes. A memory. I was younger and talking to her. "Jesus loves you," I told her. A pretty smile had spread over her mouth. Yes, she knew and now...

Fires/Weddings/Writing and more

 Well, Hello. Do you remember me? It's me. Kylie. It's been while. A lot has happened here and I guess I start with the most frightening. The fire. Last month a fire came within 300 yards of our house. It was scary. We were at the lake when my dad called. Our neighbor had called him and told him a fire had started below his house and that the Fire Fighters were trying to find a way to get down to it. We rushed home, not really accepting that this was a real threat. But when we got on our long gravel road we could see the black smoke billowing into the air. At that point we didn't know how close to our house it was and fear shot through me like a bullet. Upon reaching the house we all went inside to stay out of the car. It didn't have AC. From our house we could see the smoke but no flames, Thank God, but little ashes were falling from the sky. We packed. But what do you pack? My first thought was clothes and my Bible, which I did. After what seemed like forever, but pro...