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My 100th Post/Feb.-Mar. 2021 photo's/ Life update/

Hello! It's time to post my 100th post. First off I want to start with the "bad news," and get it over with. 
"Bad News"- 
You may notice if you go through my older post that there a lot of pictures missing and in there place "Picture Removed By Author." I just went over them all today and removed any pictures with the faces of my family. With things they way they are my mom wanted me to. From now on, it's "no faces." So, that's that.
Good news is-
I got my driver's permit and am starting my driver's ed class. Eeeeek! *get's excited*
Okay so, now for my mimi photo dump.
Working on my high school. (History report)

Note book sketches.

My most resent drawing.
A Sunday bored game.
A comic strip I drew.

Writing in my books.

Jelly Beans!! Random fact: Jelly beans and skittles are my favorite candies.
The sun came!! 
The day I got my permit!

Progress in the mud room.
The walls are going up in my room! I helped put it up!
On the way to church.
And that's it. I'm all caught up.
I didn't know how to make my 100th post special so I guess that's all you get. *winks*
I do want to share something I wrote a little while ago. Enjoy.
Imagine this: You have failed over and over again in one day and you have tried for days and weeks and months to be a righteous person so you can go to heaven. All you do is fail! You fail and fail and fail. Once you get angry right after you say to yourself, "I'm always going to forgive, no matter what. I can do this. I will do this." When you failled again, you finally give up. You put your head in your hands and shake your head, "It's of no use! I'm doomed! I can't reach the promise land!" You weep, feeling crushed by the weight of your sins.
Jesus walks by and looks at the cross you are caring, a cross of eternal punishment. His soft kind eyes look at you, "Here, let me take your cross. I'll bare the punishment for you because I want you to be saved." And before you can say a word the cross is gone and you look up. Up on a hill you see Jesus, blood runs down his face, his arms are stretched wide being nailed to the cross. With each blow of the hammer you flinch. The cross is raised up and Jesus hangs above you, barely recognizable as a man for the stripes and blood that covers him. A spear is thrust into Jesus side and before your eyes you see your sins written on each drop of blood that gushes from him. You can't bare it any more, you turn and run. You run and run and run. Behind you you hear Jesus cry, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" That is to say, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" You tremble. God the Father has turned his back on His only Son. And it's all for you. Jesus is doing it for you. You! A worthless rag, that should be thrown away.
The sky grows dark. It's midday! It can't be getting dark. Soon the sky is completely blotted out. You trip and fall. You lay still. Why? Why, did Jesus do that? You should have been on that cross. It should have been you! You deserved the punishment, not him! He was perfect, he never hated, he never failed, he never turned away from the little children that called to him, he always loved, he did right.
You cry. For hours you lay in darkness. Suddenly there is a hand on your shoulder. You look up. The dark is gone and light is shining all around. You squint into the bright light. You gasp. Jesus smiles down at you. You blink. It can't be. Jesus is alive? Jesus takes your hands and lifts you to your feet. You stare at his hands. There are the scars from the nails. You look at his feet. The scars are there too. Tears come to your eyes. You look at his shining white clothes and then into his face. He is smiling and his eyes shine love all around you. "But how are you alive?" You ask. 
"I've defeated death, hell and the devil. The vial between God and man is broken. Behold, today you have seen salvation."
"But why?" You cry. "Why did you do that for me?"
"I love you." Comes the reply short, but with more love and more comfort than you could ever explain.
With joy surging through your whole body you jump and laugh. You run down the streets of town sing and yell, "He lives! Jesus lives! He has saved me! He has saved me!" People stare at you, some laugh and call you crazy, other shake their head and look at you sorrowfully. You don't care! Jesus lives and you can see the Lord! You shout and sing all down the street. Soon more people join you, Brothers and Sisters in Jesus. Hugging you, singing with you, jumping for joy Jesus lives! 

God bless, Kylie Nancy


  1. Congratulations on your 100th post!!! 🥳😍🤩

    ~Bailey |

  2. That story was beautiful! Congrats on 100 posts and getting your permit! I'm sure you will enjoy driving!!


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