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Showing posts from 2021


 Hello my dear bloggers. Yes, you probably guessed it. I'm quitting blogging. Why? Well, I'm not completely sure but I feel like it's time I'm done. The thought never crossed my mind until a few weeks ago then... well I guess The Spirit prompted me to stop. At least for now. I pondered, prayed, considered the idea, wondering why I should quit and why I should continue. The quit out weighed the continue. Why should I quit?  Well, for personal reasons I feel inclined to stop supporting certain things. In the times we're in the future is unknown. Everyday our world is shaken a little more. Life is unstable. For safety for me, of my family and friends I must be careful what I share, what I say, what I do. Also people are offended by one little word put in the wrong place. It's a stress I don't need right now. As a young girl going into woman hood I have a lot to learn, a lot to sort out, and finding my place at home is part of that.  What I share is fun but is i...

Finally, A Bedroom Tour!

 I finally got around to making a bed room tour for you! We just reorganized it and I'm loving the new look! Enjoy! and a few pictures from along the way. That's it!~ Kylie

More Then A Flag

 Please Lord, KEEP OUR FLAG FLYING for Truth, Right, and for YOU. ~Kylie Nancy

Book Review // Strength in Measure *spoiler alert*

 Book Review // Strength in Measure Strength in Measure By Lakaysha Elizabeth "From inside the door, he heard soft weeping, and his heart seemed to break into peaces at his cousin's grief. He tried to call over her tears, 'I'd give anything. Anything to bring Dick back. I'd ask God to take me instead if I thought it would do any good.'" Strength in Measure I give this book FIVE stars I'm doing this review by the consistent request of my friend, along with the sheer fun of the idea. So, this review may be a little different then all my other reviews, being that I'm going to go into great depth of the story. I will warn you of an spoilers. But, be warned right now, there may be A LOT. *grins* I can't help it, the story is to good not to share and so full of twists and turns not to let out some secret. Anyway, let's being. What the story is about: The story is about a family, the Hayes, but is mostly focused on the eldest daughter, Katie, and...

To Dear Abi

 I didn't know I'd wake one morning to be told my cousin was gone., flown away to rest in Jesus arms. But it happened. My mom knew she needed to be there with her sister so we pack that morn and drove seven + hours to be by their side. I didn't know Abigail well, but she was always there. Part of our family. Part of the love and joy. I didn't know the funeral would be so hard... it was hard. Very hard. I looked down at her still face and tears slid unstoppable down my face. She was gone.  My brother hugged asking softly if I was okay. But I couldn't answer. I cried. His fiancee, dear Shayne, flew down to be there with us and sat by my side a quiet support. Then we sung "Jesus Loves Me." I sung the first three words and broke down. Sobbing. Because as the words left my mouth an image of Abi came before my eyes. A memory. I was younger and talking to her. "Jesus loves you," I told her. A pretty smile had spread over her mouth. Yes, she knew and now...

Fires/Weddings/Writing and more

 Well, Hello. Do you remember me? It's me. Kylie. It's been while. A lot has happened here and I guess I start with the most frightening. The fire. Last month a fire came within 300 yards of our house. It was scary. We were at the lake when my dad called. Our neighbor had called him and told him a fire had started below his house and that the Fire Fighters were trying to find a way to get down to it. We rushed home, not really accepting that this was a real threat. But when we got on our long gravel road we could see the black smoke billowing into the air. At that point we didn't know how close to our house it was and fear shot through me like a bullet. Upon reaching the house we all went inside to stay out of the car. It didn't have AC. From our house we could see the smoke but no flames, Thank God, but little ashes were falling from the sky. We packed. But what do you pack? My first thought was clothes and my Bible, which I did. After what seemed like forever, but pro...

BIG NEWS! *hint in picture*

  Credits to Pinterest Guess what!!!!!!!!! No, don't! I'll tell you! My Brother is getting married! Cody and Shayne plan to be married in August. And I'm standing in their wedding! I can hardly wait! It's just way to exciting!! ~Kylie Nancy

Come Thou Fount Music Video

I thought I would share a few more songs so I sat down and played any old song that came to mind. I divided them up so I'll have more to share later. Enjoy!    Note: This song was play by memory and/or by ear. Come Thou fount of every blessing Tune my heart to sing Thy grace Streams of mercy never ceasing Call for songs of loudest praise Teach me some melodious sonnet Sung by flaming tongues above Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it Mount of Thy redeeming love Here I raise my Ebenezer Here by Thy great help I've come And I hope by Thy good pleasure Safely to arrive at home Jesus sought me when a stranger Wandering from the fold of God He to rescue me from danger Interposed His precious blood Oh, to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be Let Thy goodness like a fetter Bind my wandering heart to Thee Prone to wander, Lord I feel it Prone to leave the God I love Here's my heart, oh take and seal it Seal it for Thy courts above Here's my heart Oh take ...

Thoughts As A Writer and...

 I've been writing a lot the last few weeks in my books and story ideas. I've been thinking a lot about where I've come since I started writing, where I want to go, how I want to write, what I want to write, and the struggles of writing. Writing is such a blessing to me. It helps me put aside thoughts of myself and try to put myself in others shoes. It lets me put into words the story I want, the ideas I want, the feeling I want. It's how I paint my world in my head. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I didn't write. *big eyes* It would be really weird and I might go crazy. LOL. When I started writing books it was the settings and romance that I sought to make come alive, but I've gone a little beyond that now. The thing I love most about writing stories is the people. I love to put people in a setting and them make them apart of that setting. The setting comes alive, the person comes alive. The plot is were I love to throw in some hooks. Like real life...

Memorial Day// 2021 // A song

A huge Thank you to the thousands of people who died for me. ~Kylie Nancy

Narnia Tag

Certainly not my normal kind of tag, but I thought it would be fun so let's get to it! Rules 1. Thank the person who nominated you.   Katelyn  tag me for this. Thank you! 2. Rate your degree of "Narnia fanatic" (nostalgic, serious, maniacal) 3. Answer the questions below 4. Tag 5+ bloggers 5. Have fun! Scale of Fanaticism 1. Nostalgic Fanatic: You read the books and/or watched the movies as a child and the word Narnia gives you a warm feeling. 2. Serious Fanatic: You rediscovered the wonder of Narnia after you were older and have read the books and watched the movies. 3. Maniacal Fanatic: You have lived Narnia from childhood, hid in closets on more occasions than is healthy, have read and watched all the movies including the BBC version. I'd call myself a Nostalgic Fanatic: I've read the books as a kid and, just because it was something new and exciting for me, I loved it. The word Narnia doesn't really give me a warm feeling... but I mean, I guess it could......

A song to The Police Force

  Thank you, Police officers! God bless you!~Kylie Nancy

Day thirty: A Photograph Of Someone I Love:

 Day thirty: A Photograph Of Someone I Love: Forgive me for skipping this one! But you know the rule! No faces of family. ~Kylie Nancy

Day Twenty-Nine: My Favorite Season:

Day Twenty-Nine: My Favorite Season: Simple. Spring...I think. (picture of Pinterest) I love Winter, and Summer! And Fall too! But I think Spring is my favorite. I love the fresh morning air and all the tree and flowers coming to life, and... I just like it. *Grins* ~Kylie

Day Twenty-Eight: Five things I'm Grateful For

Day Twenty-Eight: Five things I'm Grateful For 5. Sun-shine! 4. Music! 3. My family! 2. The Bible! 1. JESUS! ~Kylie

Day Twenty-Seven: How I've Change Recently: (and a question for you!)

Day Twenty-Seven: How I've Change Recently: (and a question for you!) I've been writing and rewriting this post. I just can not find a creative, interesting, way to talk about this. Nor can I say how I've change recently. Can a person look at themselves and think, "Wow, I've changed so much?" I can't. I look at myself and I think, "I'm me. Always have been always will be." Sure, I grow and I get better at things and I learn knew things... but I don't know if I've change I a huge way. I have become more devoted to my Family, friends, and my work at home. (school, chores, and baking, ect.) I've recently discovered how much people mean to me. People are so special, and of all the people in the word they're never the same. Ever! Not one person has the same looks, the same style, or the same story. People can be similar, but never the same. I also have advanced I think in my writing skills, though I know they will never be what I w...

Multi-Media || T A G

Multi-Media || T A G Hello Blog world! I'm back again! *Rolls eyes* I know, I know. It's been to long. Anyways! It's time to try to complete a tag. It's a little scary because I have no clue how this will come out, but I'll give it my best! 1 || A Song That Describes You In Some Way  I just found a random song I saved. But I really love this one, and if you can just feel the music you'll kind of guess the kind of person I am. 😁 2 || A Movie That Inspires You    I love this movie so much! It so beautiful! 3 || A Book That The Main Character Is Like You Laura Ingalls from the Little House on the Prairie series Laura just seems like me in so many ways! Not only in character but did you know that she was four-ten"? So am I! Lol! Random fact for you!  4 || A Song That You Love This is It by Scotty McCreery I LOVE this song with my whole heart! I don't really even know why!  5 || A Movie That You Love  The Great Escape 1963 I just watch this movie and I LOVE...

My 100th Post/Feb.-Mar. 2021 photo's/ Life update/

Hello! It's time to post my 100th post. First off I want to start with the "bad news," and get it over with.  "Bad News"-  You may notice if you go through my older post that there a lot of pictures missing and in there place " Picture Removed By Author." I just went over them all today and removed any pictures with the faces of my family. With things they way they are my mom wanted me to. From now on, it's "no faces." So, that's that. Good news is- I got my driver's permit and am starting my driver's ed class. Eeeeek! *get's excited* Okay so, now for my mimi photo dump. Working on my high school. (History report) Note book sketches. My most resent drawing. A Sunday bored game. A comic strip I drew. Writing in my books. Jelly Beans!! Random fact: Jelly beans and skittles are my favorite candies. The sun came!!  The day I got my permit! Progress in the mud room. The walls are going up in my room! I helped put it up! On the ...