Hello my dear bloggers. Yes, you probably guessed it. I'm quitting blogging. Why? Well, I'm not completely sure but I feel like it's time I'm done. The thought never crossed my mind until a few weeks ago then... well I guess The Spirit prompted me to stop. At least for now. I pondered, prayed, considered the idea, wondering why I should quit and why I should continue. The quit out weighed the continue. Why should I quit? Well, for personal reasons I feel inclined to stop supporting certain things. In the times we're in the future is unknown. Everyday our world is shaken a little more. Life is unstable. For safety for me, of my family and friends I must be careful what I share, what I say, what I do. Also people are offended by one little word put in the wrong place. It's a stress I don't need right now. As a young girl going into woman hood I have a lot to learn, a lot to sort out, and finding my place at home is part of that. What I share is fun but is i...