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Showing posts from November, 2020

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Twenty-four

 Day Twenty-four: A Throwback Photo: I was unsure what to do here because I do Memory a Month but, Okay, I guess you'll get two this month! This picture is from when I was nine, I think. I was always having some kind of big scheme or another. This picture was going to be the cover of a movie Mikayla and I were going to make about the Titanic. Hmm...I guess the Titanic has always enthralled me! I started writing a book about the Titanic, never finished it, but I was just thinking about it. I should go find and read it. But, back to the Throwback, I remember very well the feelings of excitement and fear I had, because I had such a vivid imagination I felt every emotion of what I was playing. I still have a vivid imagination, and it helps me to write in my books, but back then, my goodness, I wouldn't be playing something, I was there, I was the something. Mikayla will talk about what someone else was doing when we played this or that, but I only remember playing that thing. Most ...

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Twenty-Three

Day Twenty- three: Someone who inspires me: Ohh, I like this one. But who will I say! There are so many people to inspire me. My Mom, my Dad, my brothers, my family, (including first cousins, and first cousins once removed, and second cousins, and second cousins once removed, and... You get my point.) But for someone I've never meet, who can I say. I'm thinking back to all the missionaries I've learned about, the men and woman of the Bible and all the people who have served God, there are so many to inspire. So many of them inspire me, but I also have authors that inspire me too, being a writer as I am. And then I could also say Jesus Inspires me! If you want the person who inspires me the best possible way, Jesus does! ~Kylie Nancy

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Twenty-two

Day Twenty-two: Five Weird things I Like: Um... okay... I really don't know. To read the Dictionary just for the fun of it (Am I the only person who reads the Dictionary for fun?!!) I pick things up with my toes (okay, so that isn't something I "like" but I'm having a hard time thinking of anything.) to eat cream cheese in yogurt with chocolate chips (It really good!) to try to play sheet music I have no clue what the song sounds like,(Don't ask why! I just try to figure it out but I bet I sound pretty bad.) and   I like to talk in the accent I'm reading in, so if I'm reading a book that has, say, Scottish, I like to speak the way they do. (Mikayla can't stand it some reason.) Sorry guys, guess I'm not that weird person. I'm reading this and I'm like, this is normal stuff, they're going to be so bored!  ~Kylie Nancy

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Twenty-one

Day Twenty-one: Somewhere I'd like to visit: Scotland, PLEASE!! I would L-o-v-e, LOVE, to go there! It's so amazing!! I see pictures and read books and I'm like, "I want to go there so bad!" It just sound so amazing! I've never really wanted to go out of America, until I started learning about Scotland and their history. I love their accents, btw! They have to most amazing history. I'm reading The Crown and Covenant series right now. It take place in Scotland, and I love it!!!  Aye, Scotland is a place that is full of intrigue! Och, I fear that if I get to speaking to much about it, it will ding me daft! *drive me silly* Lol! Just have fun! *wink* ~Kylie Nancy

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Twenty

Day Twenty: Something I excited for: Driving! I could be driving right now, but with moving and the snow, I probably wont drive until spring. *cries* But whatever. I guess you have to be patient about some things.  I can't wait to drive. Go down country roads with the windows down, singing my favorite songs. (Like, This Is It, and Country Roads!) I can't wait to be able to run to town and pick stuff up for my Mom, or to just go shopping for fun.  I can't wait to hop in the car and go get coffee, just because I want to.  Yep, I want to drive! ~Kylie Nancy

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Nineteen

 Day Nineteen: Something I worry about: Worry, worry, worry. There's a lot of worrying in our world isn't there. I must admit that I worry All the time, but I can't think of a thing to write about here. *thinks for a while* I'm a little worried about getting our new house ready to move into before we have to move out of the one we're in. Oh, btw, I plan do a revel on our new house pretty soon here. ~Kylie Nancy