I was tagged for this and it looks fun, so lets get to it!
R U L E S :
1. Thank the blogger who tagged you (Thank You, Liberty!)
2. List 15 of your Small Joys (They can be as weird, random, and silly as you want to make them!)
3. Tag 5 blogger friends who bring you joy (and feel free to say why they bring you joy!)
4. Have fun with it!
1. Reading the Bible as a Family.
Reading the Bible before bed has been a nightly ritual for my family for a long time. Sitting together, reading, and then talking and laughing as a family afterwards, has a special spot in my heart.
2. Playing the Piano
Ever since I was a little I wanted to play the piano. It wasn't until a few years a go I asked a friend who could play for a few pointers. Every sunday at church we'd talk and play the piano. I wasn't much good at first but after practice I quickly learned to play many songs by ear and a few by notes. Later, when we got a piano, I was able to pick up reading notes. Now, I LOVE to play! The feel of the keys under my fingers as they dance across the keys. It's like therapy. When I'm upset, anger, or overjoyed the piano is my go to. It helps me calm down and often I go a million miles away as I play, in dreams, thoughts, and stories stored up in my mind. (I can't thank you enough for giving me those pointers, Kendra! Thank you!)
3. Children
I love children. Their simple understanding and true felt love. Their smiles, laughs, and questions. It's such a joy to be able to help them grow in learning and understanding. It's like watching a plant, First you see a little green, than it grow taller, stronger, and at last it blooms in a wonderfully beautiful flower, full of sweet fragrances and delightful to be around. A little spot of color in a gray world. Full of hope for the future!
4. Dresses and Hair Styling
If you know me very well you know I love to dress up! I love to wear dress and have my hear done beautifully! It makes me feel feminine and pretty. It makes me glad to be who I am, a woman, beautiful, and precious in God's eyes. I'm glad to be a girl, with a great purpose. A job just as impotent as a man's. To help, nurture, and love. I can't wait to find a good God fearing man to love and keep house for. "Keep house?" You might ask. "What about a career?"
Well, what about it? I want my "career" to be helping and supporting my husband, turning our house in to a home, and raising children. I believe that being a home maker is the best career in the world and very important too. I know that if I do my job of supporting my husband through physical and spiritual struggles, then my husband can do his job. Then, when we do our jobs we can be a teem, each needing the help and support of the other, and doing this we can raise our children in the nurture and love of the Lord, and in living God's plan we can shine God's light all along the way!
5. A Good Book
If you've followed me for long, you know this one. I like a good book, with a great plot and with something to learn. I also have always liked to listen to my Mother as she reads aloud.
6. Re-reading my chapters
I know Damara said the same thing in her post, but I couldn't agree more. It a great feeling to write a chapter, especially a difficult one, and reread it to find it turned out better then you expected. When, I read a chapter I wrote and feel as if I'm there, in the book, myself, I know it turned out!
Here is how Damara put it: I'm talking about writing. I'm talking about the time when you reread the scene you wrote and you get the feels. You can see it. You can feel for your character. You can just feel the rightness of it. It's just prefect. I'm talking about the time you read it and you get tingles of excitement and awe. When you can almost feel the scene as you read it! That's an amazing moment! It brings me so much joy when I make my characters come to life. If you are a true writer than you know what I'm talking about.
and I so agree! 7. Miracles
It might seem strange to say that Miracles are a joy, but they are. I love to read and watch movies about miracles. I've realized a lot of miracles in my own life, and the more I see the more I find, because miracles can come in the smallest of sizes. Each is a treasure of it's own, a little message from God saying, "I'm here. I love you. I am here. I always will be here and I'll always love you."
I've begun to see miracles in everything, because if you truly look at it, everything, everything from big to small in the whole universe, is a miracle.
8. Hugs
I love hugs. I've never been much of one for kisses, but I love hugs! There is something so comforting in a hug. I thank God for his gift of hugs to show affection, love, comfort, understanding, and support.
9. Singing/Music
I've never thought I have much of a voice, but I like to sing a lot. I like singing in church and always get a little sad when it is over. I like singing hymns with Christian family and friends, gathered together with voices joined in harmony to praise the Lord.
10. Leather Bound Notebooks
Now, don't ask me why I like leather bound notebooks so much. I just do. I wanted one for years, and last christmas I got one! Every time I take it out it gives me joy. I like the feel of the true leather, the look, and writing in it! Perhaps it's the sense of past times that draws me to them, as well, as the looks and feel. I don't know, really.
11. Old Stuff
I already talked about how books give me joy, but I like old books. Not the stories necessarily, the look. The worn look, and the sense of past times, again. I like old cars, old houses (not really for living in, though), and old pictures, tools, house appliances, old radios, etc. I don't think I would want to be completely surrounded by old stuff, but I like old stuff to look at, and think about. *shrugs*
12. A candle
I'm not a person who likes the strong scents of candles, but I do like a soft scent and the flicker of the flame. Candles give such a cozy and welcoming feel. Candles also have a greater meaning to me after I listened to The Candle in the Window. It's a great Christmas story, but also a good story for all year around.
13. A Good Long Talk with Friends
I get so much joy out of a good long talk with a group of friends. I enjoy the laughs, smiles and fun! But a good, long, in depth, talk with one of my best friends always special. A true friend is something that can't be replaced. A beautiful gift from God.
14. Fresh air
Does anyone else like to take a deep breath, just after a rain, or on a cool morning? When everything is smelling new, fresh and clean?
15. Thunder
I've always wondered why some people are scared of thunder. I like the sound. I mean, lightning can be scary, but I still like the sound of thunder, especially at night, when the light streaks across the sky and then the thunder booms! It gives me shivers, but it's a cool sensation! It makes me think of God. He's brighter then the lightning, louder then the thunder, better then a refreshing rain. God is Good!
(Note: This post is not in order as to what/who gives me the most joy.)
I tag: (If you've done this tag before you don't have to do it again)
Liberty @ Elegant Cowgirl for bringing me joy through your comments and being such a dear friend!
Damara @ Once Upon a Time for bringing me joy by being there always and being such a dear friend!
Emily @ Living Through Jesus for bringing me joy through her comments that are so encouraging!
Beth @ Beth in Boots for bringing me joy with her truth filled blog posts!
I'd like to thank whoever came up with this tag! It had shown me a lot about myself and how the littlest things in life can show a great many things more then you would think at first glance. It has helped me see how God is even in the littlest of things!
God bless!
~Kylie Nancy
I love your answers, Kylie! And I believe my "career" is to be a homemaker and mother too. (Unless God decides not to marry me off and has bigger, better plans for my life, of course.) :-)
ReplyDeleteI haven't been doing so many tags lately, but I might steal this one. Who knows? :-)
Thank you!
DeleteOf course! *smiles*
Go ahead and do it! I tag you! *wink*
Awe... *hugs you* I would totally do this but, I already did. *winks* I'm so glad I bring joy into your life, cuz. <3
ReplyDeleteMissing you! <33333333
Yeah, I know!
Missing you too!
Oh, Kylie! I love your answers. Yes, God can be seen in the littlest things sometimes!
ReplyDeleteThanks for tagging me!! I haven't done this post yet, though I am working on it. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish it before I fly out for Mariah's wedding.
And, yes, I love singing, and fresh air, and feeling feminine, and thunder, and...I could go on. Haha! Some of my answers might be similar to yours... But I guess that's what happens when people are very similar.
Thank you! He sure can!
Yep! *laugh*