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Showing posts from March, 2020

Pollyanna 1960 versus Pollyanna 2003

Hi, Blog Fans! The other day we watched the newer version on Pollyanna . I grew up watching the amazingly sweet Disney version of the movie, but I remember that I had seen a new one. We watched it just to see what it was like. Now I want to share what I think of the two movies. Pollyanna 1960 Pros and cons: Pro/con. Pollyanna the 1960's movie is made by Disney, which is a pro or con depending on how you look at it, reason being that Disney, especially Walt Disney, movies have great actors and you can always expect good quality, but I can't say I like Disney, as in the producers or what the portray in their films, very much since Walt died. There is a lot of Walt Disney/Disney movies I like though. Maybe I'll do a post on my favorites some day. Pro. The actors, especially Hayley Mills, are great! Pro. Pollyanna is such a happy or should I say,"glad," movie! Pollyanna is such a fun girl to watch, with a big smile, a two big bright eye...

The Small Joys Tag

I was tagged for this and it looks fun, so lets get to it! R U L E S : 1. Thank the blogger who tagged you (Thank You, Liberty!) 2. List 15 of your Small Joys (They can be as weird, random,  and silly as you want to make them!) 3. Tag 5 blogger friends who bring you joy (and feel free to say why they bring you joy!) 4. Have fun with it! 1. Reading the Bible as a Family.  Reading the Bible before bed has been a nightly ritual for my family for a long time. Sitting together, reading, and then talking and laughing as a family afterwards, has a special spot in my heart. 2. Playing the Piano Ever since I was a little I wanted to play the piano. It wasn't until a few years a go I asked a friend who could play for a few pointers. Every sunday at church we'd talk and play the piano. I wasn't much good at first but after practice I quickly learned to play many songs by ear and a few by notes. Later, when we got a piano, I was able to pick up reading ...

The Buck Brothers/Chapter Two

Yee-haw! Everyone ready for the next chapter? Well, here it is! Chapter 2 Tom and Chuck dismounted and studied the tracks. It appeared that Moor had fallen off his horse  but was alive and had made his way to shelter. They followed his trail to a pile of boulders and stopped. "Moor? Moor, it's us. Tom and Chuck. " Tom spoke low so his voice wouldn't travel. No answer. "Tim Moor? You in there?" Tom asked, this time louder. Still no answer. Tom glanced at Chuck. "Lets go." Leading their horses they made their way around to the side of the boulders. Going behind the large rocks they found Moor laying flat on his stomach, an arm stretched out before him. Chuck felt for a pulse. "He's alive. Let's get him home. We'll need to fix him up first. Get a canteen. Let's see what we can do. I hope he can make it. " Tom glanced around before stepping out of cover. He snatched his canteen, and saddle bags and quickly ran back. Chu...