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        Hi all! I'm calling this post "Changing." You will soon find out why.

My Interests:

I like to read, write, paint, draw, take pictures, and I love music!

My Personality:

I like elegant but am also a bit of a tomboy. I daydream a lot! I love to try new things!(Even when it scares me almost to death! *Wink*) I dive into things, and sometimes end up embarrassed. *sigh* I wish I wouldn't do that!

I like:

Long dresses, aprons, dressing up, guns, hunting, doing cartwheels, running, paper, pencils, leather, books, Friends, bonfires, mountain air, cowboy hat, cowboy boot, cameras, old fashion clothing, and more!

I hate:

Snakes! Mice, Bats, spiders, spelling. I guess I don't hate much. Hey, It's a wonderful life!

  I Dream Of:

Sunrise at Max Patch on the Appalachian Trail - a gorgeous 4,629-ft., 350-acre open mountain bald with 360° views of surrounding mountain ranges, loved alike by visitors, locals and AT hikers - near Hot Springs and Asheville, NC in Pisgah National Forest | by Charles Hardin via Blue Ridge Country 

Standing on a quiet mountain...

Writing in a leather bound notebook...
Wearing a long dress. Like one of these! 
(All these picture are from Pinterest)

Why am I telling you all this?

I know, it seam strange to change my blog so soon after starting, but I'm doing a complete make over of my blog. I trying to find a new name and everything.

I'm changing it because while I was doing my last post, I realized that I don't want to do as much history as I wanted originally. I guess, I've had a change of interests. I still enjoy history, but I have other things that interest me more. Such as writing my book, taking pictures, art, reading books, etc.  I've liked these things as long as I can remember!

As you know, I'm thirteen. Perhaps I'm still trying to find what interests me. I know that at times I wish I was a little kid again. But then... I long to grow up! To get my drivers license, get married, raise children, and all that takes place in between. I look forward to finding out what will happen next in my life! But I wish to be a little kid again. For those carefree days of fun and laughter. Not caring what people thought of me, or my ways!

I'm growing up, and changing. My thought and feeling are deeper, and on more impotent things. I'm trying to find my way. What I will do with my life, and what is truly important to me?

I don't know what may become of this blog. We'll see where it goes. But a make over it needs!

What I want for this blog:

I want it to be inviting, enjoyable, helpful, elegant, and fancy, but simply appealing. What I want most for this blog is that it shares God's love, and spreads his praise.

What will mostly be on this blog:

After thinking over what I enjoy and the posts from the past and for the future, I came to a conclusion. What I mostly posted on my old blog, and the posts I can't wait to do, Mostly have to do with books. So as for the question. I will mostly be posting My books I'm writing, what's going on in my life, favorite things post(Like "Top Ten posts"), and that sort of stuff. I guess I want a blog that's a little more carefree. I can do what I wish. But I still want a theme. My theme. Well, mostly books or writing! Right?

Blog Name:

I want my blog name to be unique and draw people in. Also, I want it to express me and my personality.

Here are my ideas:

1. In My Mountain Dreams

2. Notebook Pages

3. God Guided Steps

4. Just As I Am

5. In Life's Mystery

6. Adventures On My Road

What one do you like? What one draws you in more? What one do you think fits best with my personality?

I may, or may not use one of these names. We'll see. I'm not exactly sure what I want. Something bookish, but not so direct on just books. Know what I mean? Have any ideas? Any at all? Please, share them!

Well, that's all for now! My blog is under constructions as of this moment! Can't wait to see your comments!

~ Kylie Nancy


  1. Wow! You know what, I feel like we are really relatable! I am a 13 year old tomboy, trying to hold onto being a little kid without being immature. And I some ways I do want to grow up though. *sigh* I guess life is an adventure and I’m excited to take it on.
    Here’s my blog!

    1. I like the way you explain it! I had a hard time trying to tell what I was feeling! Thank you for commenting!

  2. Hmmmm.. what about something like “Traveling Through the Adventures of Life”?

  3. Hello, dear sweet cousin of my! This post is all you, alright. We are so alike yet so different at times! *Laughs* You know how much I love books and writing and how I was just redoing my blog not to long ago. I chose "Once Upon a Time..." for my blog. But an idea I had, that might work for your blog too, was "Dreaming, Writing and Living!" Out of your ideas I like "Notebook Pages" and "In My Mountain Dreams".

    1. Well, it should be me! Right? *wink*
      Yep! Same but not the same! Thank you for the idea!

  4. Hmm... I like "Notebook Pages" and "God Guided Steps".

    I can't come up with any good ideas for you at the moment. Maybe I'll comment again if I can think of something.

    1. Notebook pages is winning!
      Please keep thinking! I'm have a hard time coming up with a name that speaks to me. Know what I mean? Thank you so much for commenting!

  5. Here's some more ideas for you:

    Mountains, Music, and Musings
    Simple Musings
    My Ink-stained Dreams
    Kylie's Ink-Stained Dreams
    Ink-Stained Dreams
    Pen in Hand, Dreams in Mind (Damara thought of that one. *Smile*)

    And that's all I could come up with so far...*wink*

    It'll be fun to see what you decide!

  6. Thank you!!! I LOVE "Ink-stained Dreams" and "Pen in Hand, Dreams in Mind!" I've come up with a few more names too. I might have to do another post on blog names!

    1. You're welcome!!

      I'm glad you love them! That would be fun! *Smile*

  7. Hmmm, would you like, It's a Wonderful Life, for your blog name?
    Oh, I also really like Notebook Pages! *smiles*

    1. I thought of that name too! *laugh* It seams a lot of people like Notebook pages! But I chose "Ink-Stained Dreams!

  8. We sound very similar! I also in that stage of life. The time when you want to grow up but still stay young. :D I like Notebook Pages. It sounds cute.


    1. I like it too but I think "Ink-stained Dreams" is more me! Welcome to my blog!

  9. I like the new name Kylie!

    1. O have a blot, too. It is


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