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Showing posts from October, 2020

They Still Are

    Thank the Police, they are still fighting to protect us, even with all the horrible things people say about them!  

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Eighteen

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Eighteen Day Eighteen: Something I Miss: I miss many things about life. I'm always thinking back and missing things that we've had or done. One thing I miss a lot is my Grandpa's ranch. That place was like a second home at one time. We didn't live that far way from it and would go there quiet a bit. No one lived there, there was no cows ( Well, at least not any cows of his own, he did let near by ranchers run their cattle through there.) no cowhands, no horses. But there was the ranch house, the four-wheelers the trails we'd run them on, the orchard, the river, the fire pit, shooting, deer, turkeys, wild animals of many kinds, including rattle snakes. I never seen one though, but they were there. *sigh* I miss that place. I don't think I could ever explain what that place meant to us. That place was filled to over flowing with memories and love. It wasn't really the place it's own self, it was more the feelings and joy I felt ...

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Seventeen

  Day Seventeen: A book I love? A book I love? Really?!  A book? Just one?! I can't answer that! Like, really? Okay, I'll try to find a book I haven't talked about before. Umm...*runs and looks at book shelf*  Ah ha! The Eleventh Hour by Michael Phillips! I love that and the books after it! Which reminds me! I should read it again! If this question had been "Who is an author you love?" It would easy. I love George MacDonald's books! Because they are so old, it takes a little time to get used to the way they talk and because most of them take place in Scotland that also makes it hard to fallow sometimes, but once your get used to that, his books are so intriguing and so full of teachings! I really love his books! He's my favorite author, but I don't have a favorite book. ~Kylie Nancy

The 30 Day Challenge // Day sixteen

  Day Sixteen: What I do to relax:  Well, I read, write, play the piano, hum, pray, read my Bible, take a shower, lay on the floor with nothing to do, walk in the sunshine, stare out the window at God's world! I do other things like paint, draw, and work on my smash/memory book, but those I don't do as often. Ah, sounds so refreshing right now! ~Kylie Nancy

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Fifteen

Day Fifteen: What makes me sad: Do I have to do this one?!  I really don't like thinking about what makes me sad. Recently there seems to be a lot I'm sad about. Even the happy things are sad too. The last post made me smile, this one makes me frown. Life is so upside down  right now! But, what makes me sad is a country that doesn't see how blessed they are and are willing to throws it away, People who don't see that there is a Christ that loves them! I'm sad when a whole day goes wrong and no one can get along with anyone. I'm sad when people are arguing. It's one thing I hate so much! I get so depressed when I argue with or I hear other people arguing! Why can't people solve problems without yelling or angry words? *frowns* I guess it's all part of the fall of mankind, but I wish it wasn't. But I wont go on. Sad things aren't fun to talk about. ~Kylie

30 Day Challenge // Day Fourteen

  Day Fourteen: What makes me happy: What make me happy is: Waking up and everyone is in a good mood. You get all you work done in good time and have plenty of time to enjoy the day outside or projects inside, writing in my books and the chapter just comes along just right, a letter from a friend, Playing the piano, painting, Church, (I love church. I always feel so happy there) singing, creating something beautiful, dreaming of someday have a home of my own to make beautiful and welcoming, reading a book with a cup of coffee, fall Apple cider and spring time flowers, a word of kindness and politeness, watching my siblings play together, having a coffee with my big bro, having an organized space, fresh air just after a rain,  listening to music, sun rises and sunsets... I could go on forever! ~Kylie Nancy

30 Day Challenge // Day Thirteen

  Day Thirteen: My favorite Movie: I really don't know. I don't really have a favorite movie. But I like, BreakThrough . It really good, but a little sad and scary. My favorite TV Show would be a little easier. It's The Rebel, or Daniel Boone with Fess Parker... ~Kylie Nancy

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Twelve

  Day Twelve: A Picture of Myself: Hey, everyone! It's me! 

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Eleven

Day Eleven: My favorite bloggers: Everyone I Follow!! *winks* Okay, I'll name a few. Liberty Damara Emily Daminika LaKasha Beth Lexah Lilly ~Kylie

VOTE this November!


What do I do about Pictures?

I can't use pictures off of the intranet any more. At least I don't know how to find any that blogger will allow me to use.  I feel like my posts are so plain without pictures! I can use my own but I don't have all that many that will work for my post. Any suggestions? ~Kylie Nancy

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Ten

  Day Ten: Thoughts on Education: *sigh* Oh dear. This could be a hard subject to go into.  Education is more than just doing school work and grades. It a life's learning! Doing school is only the foundation of education, you have the rest of you life to learn more after high school! Because everyone says "Go to school to get your education." People always just have a mind set the an education is do book schooling, Math, English/Grammar, Science, etc. But Education is even more than knowing how to spell and do Math. Education is the tools you'll need to go through life, this includes learning, self control, how to serve others, how to be able to care and provide for a family, how to act, how to have healthy habits, how to be able to do research on your own so you can continue learning,... Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines Education as this: The bring up, as a child; instruction; formation of manners. Education comprehends all that series of instruction and di...

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Nine

  Day Nine: My favorite childhood book: Hmm. I had a couple. One was called, "I'm I Big or Little?" and one was "Just is case You ever wonder." It's the one with people in it, not bears. (I wanted to put pictures but I can find any I can use online) I loved both those and there were others, "Are you my Mother?""Go dogs, Go.""The Eye book." "The Little Engine that Could." and more. ~Kylie Nancy

The 30 Day Challenge // Day Eight

  Day eight: My ten favorite foods: So,  my favorite foods. hmm... White Chicken Chili Soup Taco-y foods Pasty Pasta A good beef roast with mashed potato's and gravy homemade sourdough bread Hot chicken or beef stew Scalped Potatoes Cheese Cake Vanilla Pudding and pudding deserts  ~Kylie Nancy

30 Day Challenge // Day Seven

Day seven: best trip of my life: This one is pretty easy and hard at the same time. I going to say our trip to Yellowstone at the beginning of this month but I've had many other great trips. At the beginning of this month we went on a five day trip to Yellowstone Nation park. We stayed in a rental Rv the fist three nights and then a Hotel the last one. We spent three days exploring the park and two driving there and back. Each day brought on something new and exciting in Yellowstone. I would love to go back again someday without little kids (I wouldn't have left them behind for the world last time but...) and hike the trails and everything! I felt like I seen so little but so much in those three days. ~Kylie Nancy

30 Day Challenge // Day Six

Day six: My Five current goals: I'm not a person who sets high goals, but... I'd like to publish a book to read the Bible front to back to get in a habit of getting up at five (I think I'm getting there???) to finish high school to get in a habit of post on here more often. ~Kylie Nancy

Memory A Month // October 2020

 Memory A Month // October 2020 I'm sorry I missed last months Memory! Forgive me? Here's October's Memory of the Month! Picture Removed By Author Five years ago on the 30th of this month. My family joyfully welcomed Heather into our family. There I am with her in the picture.  I can remember how we were awakened early in the morning and told to get dressed and ready to go. We all knew what that meant! Mom was having the baby! I remember all of us kids standing in the kitchen waiting for some friends from church to come pick us up and bring us to their house. The house was filled with nervous excitement. I watch the midwives caring in supplies and I had excitement giving me shivers all over. When we where picked up I remember not being able to quite bouncing up and down in my seat. It was all so exciting. Being woke up in the middle of the early morning, and to be driven away to someone else house, knowing that when we went back we would have a new baby sister! We waited an...

30 Day Challenge // Day Five

  Day Five: My 5 Favorite Songs: This Is it! By Scotty McCreery I'm Proud to be an American In His Time The Love of God God of the Mountain There are so many, I don't now how you could ever choose just five!! But This Is It is my fav! It also has a different name but I can't remember it. ~Kylie

30 Day Challenge // Day Four

  Day Four: 5 things I'm afraid of: Swinging bridges snakes mice Pain Of being kidnapped I just threw some out there, because I'm not that scared of much. I don't like snakes or mice, but I don't  scream when I see them. Just jump and get the jitters. Everyone is afraid of pain. And kidnapping, who would want to foist to be brought some where far from home and all that! ~Kylie Nancy